I show you how to upgrade fully
to the metric system
quickly, cheaply, and easily.
Pat Naughtin
I thought Pat did a great job on keeping it simple and interesting. His examples were ones that everyone could relate to. He immediately had the audience involved and talking. He started with a simple explanation and a tool for us to understand that explanation (his business card).
I have never been a metric user. After seeing how much more accurate and simple it is to use millimeters. I will start using them now.
Thank you for bringing Pat in.
Glen Johnson, Technical Sales Engineer
Metrication need not be difficult and, with the right advice, you can develop a metrication policy that will make your life easier - and your business more profitable.
The presentation was very captivating. Pat had some great, easy to remember, references for the metric system.
I am glad I went.
Tammy Buchanan, Inside Sales
Pat Naughtin's presentations will alert your staff or your association members to the important place that measurement has in every aspect of your business and of your industry. Your business can become more profitable through better understanding and use of modern measurement methods.
I thought the presentation was excellent. As an engineer I have been generally indifferent to which units of measure I was using, except that doing physics in conventional units is impossible so everything has to be converted. I am used to making conversions so it is no big deal. I have never used feet inches and fractions. All my design work has been in decimal inches. I have never built a house.
I have tended not to consider the economic implications of having everyone on one page. I can see doing everything in metric could result in significant savings.
David Soss, Research Engineer
Pat Naughtin is a professional speaker who is an 'Accredited Speaking Member' with the National Speakers Association of Australia. Pat is also recognised as a Lifetime Certified Advanced Metrication Specialist by the United States Metric Association (See: /pat_naughtin.html/).
He probably could have gone on for another hour and been able to keep everyone's full attention. If only all teachers could teach like he does!
Pat seemed to make it so easy to start using the metric system. There is no conversion in his mind, which is what makes it so hard for us Americans. We are too busy trying to convert the measurement to what we are used to.
Thanks for inviting him to come. It makes one want to start using the metric system.
Sandy Killion, Quality Systems Assistant
Speaking topics
This sample of Pat Naughtin's speaking topics might suggest possible topics for your business or organisation. However, Pat specifically develops all presentations to suit your individual content needs and the time constraints of your group. The talks outlined here are:
and on a lighter note:
Do you measure up?
'Dear Pat,
'Thanks for your great presentation. I never knew that a talk about something as basic as measurement could be so funny!'
Margaret O'Brien, Real Estate Agent
Do you measure up or are you a number fumbler?
We all measure, or we have things measured, every day of our lives. From the day we're born to the day of our funeral, measurement plays a critical role. Although measurement is extremely important to us, we often don't consider the underlying costs and potential benefits of even our simplest measuring methods.
There are people in this world that would rather die than speak about anything to do with numbers in public. If you happen to be one of those unfortunate people, this program's for you!
Hi, Pat,
I listened to you yesterday, and must say I had to agree with you -
your content had me totally enthralled! I found your message
fascinating - learnt a lot, and am looking forward to listening again so
that I make sure I didn't miss anything. Well done.
Cheers - Pat Coop, Professional Speaker
When you open your mouth to say something about measurement, how much about yourself do you reveal? Within seconds of hearing you speak about numbers and measurements, people are making judgments and decisions about who you are and whether they want to get to know you better. This program looks at whether your measurement language is helping or hurting you. You'll learn what it takes to always send the best measurement messages. This program will make you and your people much more comfortable when speaking about numbers and measurements, either one to one or when speaking to a group.
Metrication in moments
Dear Pat,
Here is the report from our business forum about the talk you presented to us at the Torquay Surf Club.
'Thank you Pat for a most informative talk. We gratefully appreciated your talk, and we wish to thank you for your fine contribution to our Program of Business Speakers. I know that many of our members will immediately incorporate your ideas into their daily business practices.
Yours sincerely
Grahame Thompson, Program Director
One of the main reasons that people avoid metrication is a belief that metrication takes a lot of effort and an extremely long time - both of these ideas are demonstrably wrong. At its core, metrication, done properly, takes only take a few moments. Unfortunately, most people believe that metric conversion is difficult because no one ever showed them how to do it - smoothly and rapidly!
This program addresses what it takes to make real progress with your metrication program. You'll learn why your current metric conversion isn't working, how to overcome your current metric conversion problems, and the tips and techniques you will need to complete your own metrication smoothly and, above all, rapidly.
This is a great opening at many meetings, conferences, or conventions where measurement is the basis for many other activities.
Metrication in Australia
Dear Pat,
Thank you very much for speaking to our women's business development group. We were very appreciative of the information you provided and quite a few of our members got answers to some issues/problems they've had for quite a while.
It was also very motivating to hear from a successful business person. All the best with your work.
Regards, Julie Coles (Ocean Grove Learning Centre)
Metrication in Australia was a smooth and rapid process. It was well planned; the plans were well executed; and it was widely accepted by the public. In this presentation we look at the principles and practices that produced these excellent results in Australia. We will also look at some areas where there was difficulty. We will discuss the ways these same successful practices can be applied in your business, and how the difficulties can be avoided. You'll take away many of the necessary resources for your own metrication process.
Obstacles to metrication
When it comes to metrication, you are often your own worst enemy. This program looks at the 'whys' behind all the fears and discomforts about metrication. You'll learn how to feel more confident with all your measurements - buying and selling - so that you need not feel insecure with modern measurement. You will also learn how to overcome the reasons why people avoid metric measurements.
How to turn metrication into a growth opportunity
Did you know that you are competing with hundreds and hundreds of other people and businesses who are avoiding metrication? The problem you face is knowing how to turn this situation to your advantage.
Imagine the impact on your business if you could reduce your purchasing costs, your processing costs, and your promotion costs by just 10 per cent. This program focuses on the three steps, "the 3 Ps", that are involved in any business. If you want to make savings in all aspects of your business, this program is for you.
Great myths of metrication
When it comes to metrication, most people have no idea how it should be done. This program dispels many of the myths about metrication and metric conversion. It also provides valuable tips and arguments that you can use to begin, or complete, your own metrication process.
How to write a metrication policy for your business
Few businesses or industries have developed a measurement policy. A measurement policy can save money and increase profits. For most, the way they measure simply grows, by default, from whatever sources were available when any minor change occurred. This is clearly the wrong way and it is why many businesses have failed using this method.
Many businesses have 'gone metric' just because everyone else has, without giving the process much thought, and without planning to use metrication as an opportunity to reduce costs and to increase profits.
This presentation will arm you with the information necessary to properly plan your metrication program before you launch it. You will use ideas from this presentation to avoid wasting time and money. You will be properly informed about how to decide on your measurement aims and requirements before you begin your own metrication process.
How to be a metric grandparent
This is a humorous "tongue-in-cheek" talk that looks at the idea of being an apparently anti-metric parent or grandparent while looking seriously at the effects that this has on your children and grandchildren. It aims to put issues such as your personal measurement policy into both a historical and a futuristic context.
It concludes with practical ways that parents and grandparents can future-proof their children, and grandchildren by helping them adapt to the modern metricated world. It concludes with the advice:
'Get with it - get over it - get on with it!'
Pat's other speaking programs
Keynote addresses can be 'fore' or 'aft'; that is they can set the opening tone for your whole conference, or for a major part of it, or they can be used to wrap up your conference and send the delegates away with a strong message that they can apply in their workplaces immediately. We do both.
We have a broad understanding of the moral and communal forces that underpin opposition to metrication programs. We believe that presentations to large groups work best when they contain sufficient humour to drive the essential messages past these cultural sticking points.
We can provide training programs at most levels of education from beginners to tertiary students. In the past we have worked with students from grade four to post-graduate PhD students and their teachers.
We can adapt our programs to suit your workforce in your industry. We have tailored programs for trades and professions, such as: accountants, bricklayers, carpenters, doctors, electricians, fencers, gasfitters, joiners, leather workers, machinists, opticians, piano builders, roof tilers, sign writers, textile workers, upholsterers, vehicle trimmers, welders; we have also provided our services to professional groups such as: book publishers, business and commercial organisations, educational and scientific research institutes, employment agencies, government and military authorities, computer newsgroups, international organizations, professional measurement (metrology) associations, and software writers.
Pat Naughtin sometimes provides public metric presentations to community groups such as Apex Clubs, Lions International, Professional and Business (Probus) Clubs, Rotary International, Veterans Associations and craft groups such as woodworkers and quilters. Fees and expenses are arranged for these on a case-by-case basis.