The husband and wife team, Pat Naughtin and Wendy Pomroy, jointly run 'Metrication matters' and 'Patsey Pacific Publications'. This is a reverse chronology of some of their publications.
2004: Patsey Pacific published 'Eric Lyons - Master Builder', a biography of one of Geelong's best builders. This work reflects on the life and times of a master builder, who founded a strong building company that is still a major force in the Victorian building industry after 75 years of continuous operation.
Dear Pat and Wendy,
Re: Eric J Lyons, Master Builder
I read through your book at one sitting! I couldn't put it down. I just want to congratulate you on such a wonderful production, all done I believe in a comparatively short time. The text, the photos, and the whole spirit of Eric, his family, and his achievements were wonderfully woven together.
Once again, warm congratulations.
Ruth and Bert Fagg, Hardware Retailers, Geelong
The Fagg family have been hardware retailers in Geelong for 150 years.
2003: Patsey Pacific published 'The Honey Book', by Wendy Pomroy.
'The Honey Book', a collection of stories and recipes based on bees and honey, sold out in two months.
2002: Patsey Pacific published 'Rice Village Cooks', by Wendy Pomroy.
'Rice Village Cooks' was written and published as a fundraiser for an elderly citizens village. It was launched at the Rice Village Roses and Lavender Festival, and it sold out within a month.
2000: Patsey Pacific published 'No-Man's Land' by Rod Settle.
Rod Settle is a social worker and criminologist who has spent his life in the 'No-Man's Land' between respectable and criminal society. This collection of short stories is drawn from his fascinating experiences and insights into this world.
2000: I edited and prepared for publication an autobiography for a Melbourne academic.
2000 Patsey Pacific published 'Noo's Century', by Wendy Pomroy
This is the story of Una (Noo or Nooey) Pomroy, who was one of Australia's pioneering cooking teachers. Her life spanned the 20th Century and she was sensitive to the changes that took place in Australian cuisine during that time. We also published a collection of her recipes with the somewhat facetious title, 'Nootritious'.
1999: With funding obtained from the Victorian Ministry of Education and VECCI, we edited and published "Woolly Threads not Woolly Thoughts" by Bruce Ward.
This is a collection of experiments and procedures on textile science for students (and their teachers) in upper primary and junior secondary schools.
1999: Patsey Pacific Publications published "Tasol" by Rod Settle.
This is an account of the actions of the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea in the dying days of Australia's political control of that colony.
1999: Patsey Pacific Publications edited and published "The Sirovilla Story".
This is a history of CSIRO's involvement in aged-care homes for the elderly in Geelong.
1999: I edited and published "From Fleece to Fabric", by Dr Vince Williams.
This work, published on behalf of CSIRO Textile and Fibre Technology, is a fifty-year history of wool research in Australia.
1998: As principal writer, Pat Naughtin worked with seventeen others to write and edit the "Wool" entry for the "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology".
John Wiley and Sons published our work in Volume 25 of the Fourth Edition pp 665-712.
1996: In November 1996 Pat Naughtin convened "Top-Tech '96", an early stage wool processing conference in Geelong, which attracted 300 participants from 18 nations.
As this was the first totally electronic conference in Australia it meant that all of the presentations, both local and international, were presented from computers using presentation software. As all of the written and graphical material was computer generated we were then able to publish in the most appropriate form. Our output consisted of a 500 page book, a CD of the papers, a four CD set of all the presentations, and we still had the material as electronic media ready to use in any subsequent application. Papers from this conference have subsequently been translated into Chinese, Italian, and Japanese.
1994: Pat Naughtin edited and arranged publication, by CSIRO Wool Technology in Sydney, of the technical papers from a wool specification conference called "Woolspec 1994".
1992: Patsey Pacific Publications edited and published "Piano Technology" by Wayne Stuart.
Wayne is currently the only piano builder in Australia. Currently he is producing 2.9 metre concert grand pianos and 2.2 metre pianos.
1991: Pat Naughtin edited two handbooks (Years 7-10 and VCE) for Footscray Girls Secondary College.
1991: Pat Naughtin became Australian editor for "COMETS - Career Oriented Modules Exploring Technology and Science" by Professor Walter Smith from Kansas State University.
Essentially we took Walter's successful USA program and adapted it for use in Australian schools.
1990: Wendy Pomroy and pat Naughtin collaborated on a book called "Simply Synthesizers" for music teachers and students.
Pat Naughtin set up "Patsey Pacific Publications" and published "Simply Synthesizers"; it sold widely when it became a recommended text for the VCE, the university entrance examination.
1990: Pat Naughtin wrote "TRY SCIENCE" a textbook for Years 6 and 7 students.
This was published by Brace, Harcourt, and Jovanovich and it is still in print. Blake Education now distributes "TRY SCIENCE".
1987: Pat Naughtin wrote and published 'The Extra Book'.
'The Extra Book' is a resource kit for teachers, published in conjunction with Muxworthy Press. 5000 copies were printed and sold to national distributors.
1972: Pat Naughtin edited "A Survey of Sciences for Intermediate and Leaving Technical Certificates" published by Preston Institute of Technology Press.
This became the standard text, in the state of Victoria, Australia, for the Intermediate and Leaving Technical Certificates of Education.